Dirty Side of Boyd’s
We are living in a crazy, even scary, time right now. With the world on lockdown due to the coronovirus pandemic, we’re all a bit worried about what the future might bring. Sickness? Death? Will we be jobless, homeless? How is the economy going to cope? How will businesses survive? There a lot more questions many are asking, and there are precious few answers to any of them at the moment it seems.

Thule Helium Platform Hitch Rack
This isn’t the blog post I was originally hoping to write this week. Two weeks ago I went on a business trip to New Jersey to visit the Jamis headquarters and to attend CABDA, a bicycle expo where retailers can rub shoulders with manufacturers and learn about new stuff coming out. The pandemic was just starting to be recognized in the States, and social distancing was starting to be encouraged. I had wanted to share more about the fun things I saw there: bikes from brands we haven’t heard of, new products like the Thule Helium Platform hitch rack, sports nutrition that works, and tools that make working on bikes easier. All of it was about getting geared up for an awesome riding season!
Instead, soon after I returned from New Jersey, I found events postponing and canceling, social distancing becoming mandated, and toilet paper disappearing from the supermarkets faster than water in a desert. (Luckily, I had already done my regular TP stocking a couple weeks prior, as I always purchase in bulk since it’s cheaper that way). And then the schools closed for two weeks, now extended for the rest of the school year!
And now we have businesses being forced to close or at least drastically cut back their services. You can’t even go out to eat; you have to do carry out. In fact, my cat had an emergency last night, and I had to wait outside the clinic for them to come out and get him; I couldn’t be with him to comfort him (don’t worry, he’s going to be ok). States are now giving stay-at-home orders: everyone who can work from home must, and non-essential businesses that rely heavily on close personal interaction like beauty salons, gyms, etc. must close for the next month. And no gatherings of more than 10 people. We even had to suspend club rides in the Winchester Wheelmen club until we have word otherwise.
But despite all the worries and potential problems we now face, all is not lost. And adventures do not need to end. Yes, many awesome events have been canceled, and I am even having to weigh out if I’m going to need to postpone or reschedule our Triple Peak Gran Fondo. But cycling and kayaking are great means of social distancing, provided you do it alone or in very small groups. Not only is getting outside and exercising healthy, but the sun kills viruses, keeping you safer. Not to mention that outdoor exercise will help you keep your sanity throughout it all.
To that end, Element Sports is here to serve the community by continuing to provide sales and service of bicycles, kayaks, skateboards, disc golf, etc. Of course, we are taking extra measures to keep you healthy: customers limited to no more than 10 at a time with social distancing, sanitizing surfaces regularly, and hand sanitizer available and easily accessible. We do ask that if you are sick that you do not enter the store.
Spring is here, and the weather is getting very nice. It’s a great time for adventure, especially when there are quiet country roads that look like this:
So I encourage you, get outside, find some views, and you’ll feel better when reading the news.

Top of Wolf Hollow
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