It’s the end of January, there is snow on the ground, and it is below freezing out.  Most people look outside and think to themselves, “Time for a book and some hot cocoa by the fire.”  Those who do go outside for an activity out in the cold end up choosing to do traditional cold-weather activities: skiing, snowboarding, sledding, snowman-building, snowball-fighting, etc.  Hey, and we have you covered there: we service skis and snowboards and sell sleds.  We also have some cold weather gear like hats and gloves, and those oh-so-important chemical packs to keep your hands and feet warm.  Most people aren’t thinking about biking, though.  The trails are too wet to ride, the roads are too covered in nastiness.

Yet, it is actually the perfect time to come in and pick out a new bike.  Before spring comes.  There are many reasons why you should get your new bike now rather than wait until the weather is actually nice enough to ride.  I’ll make a list:

  • It’s a slower time in the shop, which means you’ll be able to have more time and individualized attention from our staff as you determine exactly which bike you want (of course, we always make every effort to give every customer the attention they need and deserve at all times of the year, but it does sometimes get pretty hectic here during the riding season!).
  • You’ll have your bike already for that first great Spring weekend, instead of having to waste it at the shop purchasing a bike.
  • You’ll have the bike for that odd-but-not-so-rare warm, sunny, and extremely nice midweek winter day that you somehow magically also happen to have off from work.
  • Here’s a biggie: if you wait too long into Spring to buy a bike, you may have to wait even longer to get the bike you want.  Right now, if the bike isn’t available immediately, we can still order it for you and have it before Spring really rolls around.  Wait until Spring, and the manufacturers start selling out of bikes.  Then you are stuck waiting months for the next model year of the bike to become available.  Yep, by late Spring, the manufacturers will be cutting the number of 2019 bikes they are producing, as they look forward to the 2020 models they will start producing in July to December.
  • Leftover 2018 models may still be available at a discounted rate.
  • You have time to get used to the bike before the big Spring rides you have coming up.  You don’t want that MS150 ride to be only your second ride on your new bike!  Get it with time to work out any kinks or fitting issues before your big ride.
  • Even if it’s cold, you can still ride that new bike – get the proper riding gear for the cold.  Or, throw the bike on a trainer and get some miles in that way.  Be fit BEFORE Spring starts so you are able to hit the ground running once the nice weather starts!
  • A new bike will help chase away the winter blues – face it, we all get a little depressed in the cold and wet weather of winter.  A new bike will cheer you up!
  • This year it may be especially important to get your bike here during the winter.  Tariffs caused prices on many items, including bikes, to jump back in October.  Most bikes went up in price 5-10%.  Lawmakers have pushed back the next increase from Jan 1 to March 1.  If they don’t push them back again or change it, bikes stand to jump in price ANOTHER 10-15%!  You’ll either end up spending more to get the bike that takes your fancy or have to settle for a lower level bike if that price jump takes the bike out of your budget.
  • You deserve the bike now!  If you can’t afford the bike now, we can help!  We offer layaway as well as financing through Synchrony.  It is a very quick and easy process to see if you qualify for financing.  With financing you get 0% APR for 6 months!  And you don’t even have to put any money down.

So, take my advice and come in today to talk with us about your next bike.  We’ll help you find the perfect bike that will serve you well for many years.  Then, join us on some our adventures.  We’ve got some great ones already planned, and more in the works!

Winter – the best time to buy a bike!



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